Those of you who’ve been following me on Instagram may have noticed my slight obsession with porridge. I love all sorts of porridges: almond milk porridge, oat milk porridge, blueberry porridge, pink raspberry porridge, apple cinnamon porridge – you name it. My newest obsession is coconut porridge, which is the creamiest most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten for breakfast. I am not exaggerating, it really is such a delicious breakfast that provides you with enough energy to make it through a busy morning at work or at school. Porridge is also a cheap way to start your day in an extremely healthy way. Oats can be really cheap when bought in bulk, and they also don’t have to be organic in order to be healthy. If you cook your porridge with more water than milk, you don’t even need a lot of pricey plant-based milk in order to eat a plant-based breakfast.
I admit that eating porridge for breakfast may not seem all that exciting. However, you can make it exciting by topping your porridge with delicious and flavorful toppings such as fruits, superfoods or nut butters. I prefer a mixture of all of the above to make my porridge more exciting and colorful. It’s actually quite fun to play around with different flavors and spices, like apple cinnamon or vanilla and almond. I am sure everyone’s taste is different so I’ll just provide you with my basic coconut porridge recipe and you’re welcome to play around with different toppings and flavors. If you need more porridge inspiration then be sure to follow me on Instagram, which is where I share at least three or four porridge bowls a week.
- ½ cup (50g) of oats
- 1 cup (200ml) of water
- 3 tablespoons (45ml) of coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon of almond butter
- 1 teasspoon of coconut oil (optional)
- 1 teaspoon of maple syrup or agave (optional)
- ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)
- banana
- fresh figs
- fresh or frozen berries
- stewed damsons or plums
- stewed or grated apples
- chia seeds
- bee pollen
- hemp seeds
- cacao nibs
- homemade granola
- Start by adding the oats, water and coconut milk to a saucepan and allow it to heat for about 5 minutes, or until bubbly.
- Add the coconut milk, almond butter, coconut oil and let them dissolve completely while frequently stirring with a spoon.
- Once it's all mixed, pour it into a bowl and add your favorite toppings.
ich bin zwar eigentlich nicht so der Porridge-Typ, jedoch klingt deine Variante mit dem Kokos richtig lecker. Dazu die Feigen.. schaut herrlich aus! 🙂
Ganz liebe Grüße, Justine
Hi Justine,
ich war früher auch eher der Müsli-Fan, aber ich bin echt auf den Geschmack gekommen, gerade wenn es draußen so kalt draußen ist. Overnight Oats mag ich aber fast noch lieber.
Liebe Grüße,
This looks delicious! I only have one issue with your recipe “cinnamon (optional).” Cinnamon is NEVER optional! 😉 Hahaha! Love the idea of adding in a few spoonfuls of coconut milk. Do you use the full fat version for the porridge? I will have to try this later this week! XX Katie
Hahaha Katie, you just made me laugh so hard. You’re absolutely right about the cinnamon…it should never be optional. I’ll definitely have to change the recipe. I use the full fat version because it’s just creamier and richer, and I love a creamy porridge. Let me know if you like it!
xx Lynn
This coconut porridge looks beautiful! Now that summer is over, I’ve been much more in the mood for porridge in the morning. LOVE the coconut flavors going on here!
Thank you so much, Lisa! Same here, I’m a huge fan of cold overnight oats during spring and summer, but I am a total porridge addict when the days get darker and colder.
xx Lynn
du bist ja richtig fleißig! Jetzt gibt es schon wieder ein neues Rezept von dir und ich habe noch nicht mal die Rote-Beete-Pasta ausprobiert. Das sieht toll aus!
Ich liebe Porridge auch, vor allem im Herbst & Winter und plane gerade einen eigenen Post dazu. Was Warmes im Bauch ist doch das beste, was es morgens bei Kälte gibt. Ich nehme auch gern Amarant – ich liebe diesen nussigen Geschmack.
♥liche Grüße, Anne
Hallo Anne,
ich versuche noch so lange wie es geht fleißig zwei Rezepte pro Woche zu posten 🙂
Ich habe auch neulich Amaranth Porridge ausprobiert und auch schon Quinoa. Beides war klasse! Buchweizen ist auch sehr zu empfehlen.
Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
Liebe Grüße,
Would love to try this!
Can you please tell me if you use old fashioned rolled oats or the quick cook oats?
Thank you!
Hi Heidi,
I used quick cook oats for this, but you could also use rolled oats.
xx Lynn
Hi sorry but do u mean can coconut milk or just regular
Hi Larissa, I use canned coconut milk as it’s much creamier than the carton one. However, you could of course use the coconut milk that you can buy in the refridgerated section. It will just be a little less creamy then.