I’m in love with this sauce. When my mom first introduced this sauce to our family we were instantly hooked. There’s no pasta sauce that we love more and everyone that I’ve made this for loved it. I admit that the thought of beetroot and turmeric may sound a bit strange when you hear it for the first time, but trust me on this. You’re going to love this creamy beetroot and turmeric pasta sauce. It’s so warming and delicious and all the ingredients create something wonderful that will provide your body with lots of healthy vitamins and minerals. There’s a lot of beets in this sauce, which really boost your iron storage. Almond butter and almond milk make it heavenly creamy and the turmeric is an additional health booster. Sunflower seeds give it some texture and a nice crunch.
– 1 onion
– 1 tbsp olive oil
– 2 medium sized beets (about 200g)
– 1 cup (200ml) almond milk
– 1/3 cup (80g) almond butter
– 1 tsp homemade veggie stock
– 1/4 tsp pepper
– 2 tsp turmeric powder
– 2 tbsp tamari
– 1 tbsp maple syrup or agave
– 1/4 cup (35g) sunflower seeds
– salt & pepper to taste
– 600-800g spelt or gluten free pasta
- Start by cooking the pasta according to the directions on the package.
- Peeling the beets. You might want to use rubber gloves so you won’t run around with pink hands for the next three days.
- Cut the beet into small pieces or put them in the food processor and break them down for a couple of seconds.
Chop the onion finely. Heat the olive oil in a pot. Add the chopped onion and sauté for about one minute. Add the beets and fry for about 3 minutes. You may have to add more olive oil if it starts to burn.
- Add the almond milk, tamari, maple syrup and spices to the pot, reduce the heat to medium low and let it simmer for about 8 – 10 minutes.
- Now add the almond butter and heat to medium high heat for another 3 – 4 minutes.
- Finally, add the sunflower seeds and stir well until combined.
Serve with the pasta and enjoy!
This is so creative, Lynn! I will admit, the idea of beetroot and turmeric wasn’t strange to me at all but when I read that you include almond butter in this sauce — well that’s when my mind was blown. I love how vibrant looking this plate of pasta is and think I may have to try it with zoodles! Mmmm. Thank you for sharing! XX Katie
Thank you so much, Katie! I am not gonna lie – this sauce is pretty amazing. I think I am going to have it again today. It tastes great with noodles too, I’ve tried it a lot when I was still working at a stressful job and didn’t have time to work out a lot anymore.
Thanks for your sweet words, Katie. Have a wonderful week!
xx Lynn
Lynn! This is so interesting. I love beetroot, turmeric and pasta and you put it all together. Also, I have been missing pasta lately. Just made pesto with garlic scapes, but would love to try this one!! Take care, and have a great week! Dee xx.
Hi Dee,
thank you so much for your comment. Beetroot and Turmeric are a match in heaven! They work so well together, so you should really try it at one point.
Have a great week,
xx Lynn
Hallo Lynn,
das Rezept hört sich mega lecker – werde es auf jeden Fall ausprobieren! Aber sag mal, wann mische ich die Gemüsebrühe hinzu? Das steht im Rezept nicht oder ich bin blind :). Liebe Grüße!
Hallo liebe Devah,
du bist ganz bestimmt nicht blind – ich hab leider eine Tendenz, bestimmte Dinge zu vergessen. Ups. Du gibst die Brühe dazu, wenn du die Sauce kochst, aber du kannst sie auch gen Ende unterrühren. Ich benutze selbst gemachte Gemüsebrühepaste http://de.heavenlynnhealthy.com/selbstgemachte-gemuesebruehe/ und kann sie dir nur wärmstens empfehlen!
Ganz liebe Grüße,