Ok, you guys. This day is huge. Not only is it my birthday today – hello 28, but I’ve also got the biggst news yet to share with you!
I’ve written a cookbook! Yes, an actual book. It’s called „Himmlisch Gesund“ aka Heavenly Healthy, and I could not be prouder of the final result. I’m afraid the book will only be available in German for now. But I believe there is a link on Amazon, where you can request a translated copy, so fingers crossed, that there might be a book in the future called „Heavenly Healthy“ in the English language.I’ve been dying to tell you all for months, but the big bummer is that the book won’t be available until August. I think you will be able to pre-order it sometime in May or June on Amazon. I will keep you posted here, for sure.
Back to the cookbook. It’s a book that I’ve written for you. Yes, you! If you’ve been reading my blog and cooking my recipes for a while now, then I am talking to you. This crazy journey could not have been possible without you and all of your incredible support.
I’ve written the book with the following questions in mind: will it be helpful to my readers? Will they like the recipes? Will they like the Cauliflower Cinnamon Dal or the Bali Buddha Bowl? “I cannot let my readers down” was my mantra these past six or eight months. However, I am beyond happy with the final result. Himmlisch Gesund is a miniature version of Heavenlynn Healthy. Small and compact. Just like me. So I am no longer worried that you will like it once I realized that. Ha!
About a year ago, a couple of publishers approached me, but in the end, I went with my gut and I opted for a small, but high-quality publisher called Thorbecke Verlag. It’s been an incredible journey to work with them, and I feel like they really get me and the philosophy behind my life and blog. The book is 100% me, I got to decide whatever I wanted to put in it. It’s 100% filled with recipes that I love and that I hope you will love, too.
What you will find in my cookbook:
- More than 85 plant-based, gluten-free and refined sugar-free recipes each with health benefits.
- A photo for each recipe (except the basics like tomato sauce).
- A traditional structure with a chapter on basics, breakfast, smoothies, juices and drinks, quick everyday recipes, comfort food, coffee and cake, and a Holiday menu.
- Lots of German recipes such as a Swabian Buddha Bowl, a Northern German dish calles “Birnen, Bohnen ohne Speck”, an apple cake from where I grew up, and many more.
- A section on all of the ingredients that I use and why I am using them.
- Tips for a healthier and more mindful life.
- Tips for healthy traveling plus a list of the best healthy eating places in most German and European cities.
I also wanted to quickly add that I am so sorry that I have kept this from you for so long. Usually I hate it when people are so secretive, but there was a really good reason for my silence. The book will not be available until August, so I did not want to tell you about it and then disappoint you by telling you that you will have to wait for one year to be able to buy it. Now it’s only about five more months, which feels much more doable for me.
However, it seems like I will be possible to reveal the final cover in a few weeks, and by then I should have the pre-order link. I would very much appreciate it, however, if you live in Germany, to go and ask your local bookstore to pre-order it for you. This way, we also support the local economy.
Now of course I won’t let you go without giving you a few glimpses of the recipe photos.
And since it is my birthday today, I would it if you could drop me a quick note down here in the comments, or on Instagram or even an email. Tell me who you are, where you live, and what your connection to Heavenlynn Healthy is. After all, we’re a community here, right?
Have a wonderful day
Foto-Credit des letzten Bildes: Christian Boldt
Ohhh sooo cool Lynn.
Freue mich riesig und kann es kaum erwarten, endlich ein foodie Kochbuch auf deutsch… u made my day!!
Happy Birthday to you!!????????????????????????????????
Hallo liebe Sophie,
vielen, vielen Dank! Das freut mich riesig!
Fühl dich gefrückt!
Liebe Lynn ????
erstmal alles alles Liebe und Gute zu deinem Geburtstag. ????
Ich freue mich so über deine Neuigkeit und freue mich natürlich mit dir, da es genau das ist, was dir Freude bereitet.
Kann es kaum erwarten das Kochbuch in den Händen zu halten. ☺️
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Derzeit lebe ich leider nicht in Deutschland, aber ich muss ja eh noch bis August warten. Ich werde es mir auf jeden Fall kaufen und freue mich schon sehr darauf!! Ich liebe deinen Blog und deine Rezepte.
Hab einen schoenen Tag!
Liebe Gruesse
Liebe Lynn,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und Gratulation zum Buch, das bestimmt ganz wunderbar und besonders wird.
Ich wohne zwar in den USA, aber das wird mich nicht davon abhalten, das Buch sobald es geht vorzubestellen. Ich freue mich jetzt schon drauf!
Viele Grüße und danke, dass Du uns alle mit Deinen tollen Rezepten beschenkst.
Lá breithe sona duit! (Happy birthday in Irish language).
Greetings from County Meath, Ireland.
I follow your blog and love your recipes. Looking forward to your book in English.
Liebe Lynn,
auch von mir alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag und Glückwunsch zum Buch! Tatsächlich habe ich schon ganz oft beim Nachkochen Deiner fantastischen Rezepte (Pad Thai!, Paella usw.) gedacht: “Wann gibt es endlich ein Kochbuch?”. Freue mich sehr und werde es beim Buchhändler meines Vertrauens vorbestellen! Werden denn auch Rezepte aus dem Blog drin vertreten sein oder sind alle “neu”?
Liebe Grüße
Erst mal herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und natürlich auch zum Buch.
Super toll, da bin ich gespannt.
Liebe Grüße
Happy Biethday!!!! So happy for you that you did the cookbook ando soooo happy for me too because I love all the recepies you give us. I live in Guatemala, Central America.
Hi Paulina,
how amazing is that that you live in Guatemala. Wow! That’s definitely one place I’d rather be right now – our winter is killing me.
Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it.
Dear Lynn,
Congratulations! I will go and pre order in my local bookshop in Jesteburg!
I was excited to see you live in beautiful Lüneburg… love that city. And thanks
for the tips on healthy eating there,some of which I don’t know yet..
Also,belated Happy Birthday Wishes! ( It was my birthday on 13th March,so
another Pisces, just a little older at 66!!).
All the best,